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Trouble is A Friend…


waaa….it has been a long time since i wrote in this blog 😀

By the way,how are you? hmm….sekarang ini aku bukan mau ngepost tentang korea-koreaan…keke~ mau nulis aja di sini…abis kangen..hehe.

hm…btw,selama masa-masa vakum dari blog ini (krn ngerjain blog lainnya) :p aku juga banyak berintrospeksi diri tentang diriku sendiri *asek*.

bulan Oktober is actually my month,masa hidupku di dunia berkurang di bulan ini, dan tingkatan kedewasaanku juga harus ditingkatkan juga dibulan ini. i’m 19 years old this october, when my birthday came i think about myself a lot…

“aaah…sebentar lagi akan 20 Tahun….i’m not a teenager anymore…”. that’s what i always think almost everyday. di umur ini,akan semakin banyak tantangan ke depan dimana tanggung  jawab & kedewasaan sangat dituntut.

dan tepat beberapa hari setelah ulang tahunku,kesabaranku diuji…terjadi sebuah insiden kecil,handphone kesayanganku hilang. mungkin itu hal sepele ya? sebenarnya cukup nyesek juga buat aku sih ==’. setelah kejadian itu,aku belajar banyak hal,itu bisa terjadi karena kecerobohanku sendiri,dan berusaha buat lebih hati-hati next time.

hilangnya handphone adalah salah satu masalah di antara semua masalah-masalah yang pernah datang dan pergi di kehidupanku. diabaikan begitu aja sama seseorang yang disayang,patah hati liat seseorang yang kamu sayang udah sama orang lain,dilupakan begitu aja sama seseorang,bertengkar sama sahabat,diremehkan oleh orang-orang,atau bahkan di caci maki….aku pribadi sudah melalui itu semua….waktu diawal aku sempet nyesel,kenapa sih dikehidupan manusia itu mesti ada yang namanya “Masalah”? sempet juga terlintas dipikiranku aku berdoa sama Allah supaya segala masalah di kehidupanku di hapus,tapi lama-lama aku sadar kalo ternyata selama ini aku bisa bertahan sampai sekarang juga karena masalah-masalah yang datang dan pergi di kehidupanku.

jadi doaku sama Allah sekarang ini bukan meminta untuk dihapuskan segala masalah di kehidupanku,tapi meminta agar aku selalu diberi kekuatan untuk bisa menghadapi masalah-masalah itu. i totally agree with Lenka’s song titled “trouble is a friend”,yes,trouble is a friend or a BEST friend maybe. the definition of friend is “someone who always support you,always beside you and make you stronger when you’re down”,  dan aku baru sadar deskripsi tentang pengertian “Sahabat” itu juga bisa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan “Masalah”,Masalah adalah sesuatu yang berada sangat dekat dengan kehidupan manusia,dan masalah jugalah yang bisa membentuk manusia menjadi makhluk yang lebih kuat. (biar rada maksa tapi mirip lah) xD

masalah itu selalu ada….dan sekarang aku mencoba untuk “bersahabat” dengan yang namanya masalah….karena aku bukanlah seseorang yang lemah,disaat sedang terlilit masalah lebih memilih cara2 instan like suicide untuk menyelesaikan masalah….aku punya Tuhanku,Allah SWT….saat dilanda sebuah masalah,hanya Dia lah yang selalu aku ingat….Dia memberikan ini semua agar Umat-NYA menjadi seseorang yang lebih kuat secara batin & Mental….i have my God,i have my parents,i have my friends who will always beside to support me and cheer me up…and i also have my own “Trouble” thank you for make me stronger,so i can survive untill right now….i love my life…^^v

Whenever or wherever he is…Alexander oppa never leave his trademark : FOUNTAIN HAIR!! ❤ ~^^~

credit : kissmeukiss + Baidu

credit : kissmeukiss

From Manager’s Twitter~

credit : kissmeukiss

From U-kissism
Sherman Chung & U-KISS Alexander will sharing the stage with music on this Friday at the Hong Kong Tourism Board and the Dragon Boat Association’s “life force drink Paradise”, by the HKTB, activities will be held on the 3 days, Sherman afraid how to communicate with other singers.

due to typhoon in hong kong, tomorrow dargon boat racing will be cancelled. don’t know if there any changes of sunday schedule now…..

credit : kissmeukiss + ukissism + u-kiss hkfc

credit : kissmeukiss + missu1437


credit : kissmeukiss + u-kiss hkfc


(dream team 2 with Loretta Chow)

credit : kissmeukiss + kissholic + as tagged


credit : kissmeukiss + as tagged + u-kiss hkfc


credit : kissmeukiss + kissholic


credit : kissmeukiss + as tagged


2010.07.02 금/Dream 04:23

Hyung It’s because we are sending you off now so it’s raining too
I’m trying to turn everything back to normal
But today, only today, please let me be upset
Please be happy at where you are hyung
You can come and find me in my dreams too ^^

Trans (ch) KISSHOLIC | Trans (ch-en) Tokkiboy
Credits: kissmeukiss

Don’t re-edit+HOTLINK
English Translation:

Give proper credit when reposting, thanks!

English Translation:

This is Jung Min..^^ (2010-07-03 PM 1:51:49)

Hello? This is SS501 Jung Min.

I tried to write more often, writing the message then erase, write, erase…

and Finally I am here until today!!

Now is the mystery of the moment what if my article was doing harm to members, Gosh… have thought

I thought that a talk will does good anyway so I am writing today


SS501 album activities had completed since Taiwan’s Golden Music .

Really many people coming.

From Taiwan, in Hong Kong, in Japan, ~ And in China ~ ~ We Triple S lead!!

I wish we have five people on stage… As thought.

Thank you again for coming to cheer for me!

(First, I wanted to thank you myself.)

Conclusions from the truth is,

As member of SS501 All the member’s contract

Now the company of course, as well as having a proposal offers from large company abroad was true, but all misfired.

And I am not yet in any state enter into any contract

Proposed in many places, but still did not answer.

I’ll answer after consulted with the members… now is not the state to answer

will inform everybody in a proper form if makes a contract.

(Now, before entering into a contract are still all managed by the DSP ..!)

Well … We also have a meeting after this activity was completed

By each member, were also interviewed with teacher’s wife. (DSP president’s wife)

although 5 people are more a little had a conversation .!

To be possible enough and do which must do.

Of course, now that’s one’s attitude become a personal matter,

but will not become the thing that incorrect prior to the ongoing activity of SS501, of S501 album and concert update etc.

Talk about the activity.

As for singer characteristic only event … No thank you!!!


Wanting to write more, but … to fold once

Actually, late to sleep and I’m wake from surprise wave .. ㅠㅠ

The members must be surprised, to try telephone but the phone can not go through ~~!

Inside however let’s continue the meeting ~meet~~ to be like that,

When we got some sad news .. for the time like this .. is full of apologies. ..ㅠㅠ

Ah! And says the homepage will continuously being opened also in the future,

Here is continuously be the possibility you’re going to see ^^

I will come to write frequently.!!

Don’t re-edit+HOTLINK
English Translation:
Give proper credit when reposting, thanks!

So sweet Jung Min…

He must know that we are worry…

So he left a message after the news is out ^^

A very long one indeed…

Just give me some times to translate ^^
